TCO & Implant consulting



What To Expect...

The Implant Masterclass

“Optimized clinical workflows that don’t rely on a dentist’s constant presence.

Boost your clinic’s profitability while reducing unnecessary surgery and clinician hours.

Forge deeper connections with your implant patients, gather authentic testimonials, and design cost-effective treatment pathways.”

Implant Consulting Masterclass​

This masterclass covers all aspects of treatment care coordination:

  • Invisalign,
  • clear aligner,
  • and implant consulting.

The benefits of having a TCO at your practice, patient communication and relationship building, workflow, and upselling.

Implant Consulting Masterclass: Transform Your Dental Implant Practice

Welcome to LinkDent's Implant Consulting Masterclass, the pinnacle of dental implant training in the UK. Designed to provide dental professionals with in-depth insights into the world of implants, our masterclass guarantees transformative results for your practice.

Why Implant Consulting?

Dental implants have revolutionized the world of dentistry. However, mastering the art and science of dental implants requires not just clinical expertise but also an understanding of the patient journey, consultation techniques, and effective marketing strategies. Our masterclass encapsulates all these aspects, ensuring you excel in every facet of dental implant consulting.

Masterclass Highlights

In-depth Sessions by Emma Jade: Benefit from the wealth of knowledge shared by Emma Jade, a renowned figure in dental consulting. Emma's hands-on approach ensures every participant gains practical knowledge ready for real-world application.

Real-world Case Studies: Delve into real-life case studies that highlight the challenges and solutions in implant consulting. Learn from past experiences to perfect future implant procedures.

Interactive Workshops: Engage in workshops where you'll work with peers to address real-world challenges. These sessions are designed to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Latest in Implant Technology: Stay updated with the latest advancements in implant technology. Get hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools and techniques.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow professionals, share experiences, and build valuable networks that can lead to collaborative opportunities in the future.

Who Should Attend?

Whether you're a seasoned dental implantologist looking to refine your consultation techniques or a novice seeking foundational knowledge, our Implant Consulting Masterclass is tailored to cater to all skill levels.

Join Us For a Transformative Experience

Ready to elevate your dental implant practice? Join our Implant Consulting Masterclass today and embark on a journey of continuous learning and growth. Let's shape the future of dental implants together