Virtual Training


Concierge customer care training

This is a front-of-house focused day that is patient positive service driven. Training on icebreaker activities to build rapport among employees and patients, Techniques for active listening to understand the patient's concerns and needs fully, Emphasizing empathy in communication to make patients feel valued and understood, while maintaining a calm and professional demeanor, even during challenging calls.

We role-play to develop effective communication workflow tailored to common scenarios and refine call handling techniques, manage a CRM systems to utilise diary space, cancellation availability's, schedule important follow up call's and up-selling dental products, Stress the importance of regular patient recalls in maintaining patient health and clinic revenue, Techniques for asking patients for reviews in a manner that feels natural as well as discuss the importance of how positive reviews contribute to the clinic's reputation and attracting new patients while creating a positive will-to-win employee attitude.

Social media management

Having the right social media workflow in place creates a brand people feel they can connect to, build employee skill sets and increase patient intake!

This workshop teaches you how to create engagement using different social media platforms, shows team unity and builds a growing following that your community can connect with as well as current patients.

Training with the team on managing your social media on the metaverse platform, content creation, how to make graphical designs with your logo, engaging with your patient audience, building a brand people can connect to, extend online reach, building an online presence and how to utilise free marketing!

Master the art of Leadership

In-depth management training on creating steps, strategies, and training to create growth, smooth workflows, and a happy working environment. We introduce initiatives to promote well-being among staff, Implement techniques and activities to increase efficient workflows to enhance staff productivity, while creating a supportive environment to foster an atmosphere that encourages open communication.

Building a culture of respect, collaboration, and mutual support, organize activities that promote team cohesion and a sense of community and employee recognition, enhancing morale and job satisfaction. We streamlining workflows to develop operational growth, develop and implement strategies for promptly addressing, preventing and resolving patient complaints, by training on using empathy and professionalism in difficult situations to maintain patient satisfaction. Offer open support to develop and maintain high operational standards and adapt to new challenges.