

"Emma Jade Can Easily Be Described As A Colleague, Leader, Mentor And Even A Friend."

“Emma Jade can easily be described as a colleague, leader, mentor and even a friend. I was fortunate enough to work in an environment under her care. Emma always strived to deliver nothing but her best and this passion becomes so infectious with the team. Her ability to bring people together and make your work environment feel like a home, is second to none. She maintains excellent standards and productivity through the implementations of carefully curated protocols, regular staff meetings and performance reviews. Emma truly practices an open-door policy, where no conversation is too small and will always make time for her team and the patients. It was truly a pleasure and honour working with Emma, her professionalism, practices and protocols are teachings I will continue to utilize throughout my career. ”

Dr Shankar Bala

"Her Nature generates Solid Confidence, Loyalty And Trust"

“I have had the pleasure of working with Emma for the past few years; Her nature generates solid confidence, loyalty and trust. she has a great ability in helping dentists develop top-notch practice strategies as well as the confidence to implement them emphasizing quality dentistry. She empowered and grew staff, increased patient satisfaction, strives to produce profitability potential and outstanding principles care into your practice. Emma is now a great friend; I will be forever grateful to her, she motivated me to be the best I can be in all facets of my dental practice and personal life. ”

Dr Simona Loghin Bds –
Dentist with special interest in Endodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry

"She Has Helped Me Improve And Enhance Every Aspect Of My Practice"

“Drawing from her years of dental knowledge and experience I learned advanced dental skills, implement systems, developed leadership skills. She guided me through the challenge of remodelling and how to create organic changes. Emma knows how to integrate outstanding principles into practical systems that will work. transforming my existing practice, manage a growing practice and inspire my staff. She has helped me improve and enhance every aspect of my practice.”

Dr Korosh DDS / LDS / MFDS
RCS(Eng)/ MFDS RCS (Edin) / MSc & Smile Tailor Clinic Owner

"It Helped Me Focus On What Matters Most... Treating Patients! "

“I can highly recommend the efficiency of using Linkdent’s effective modern implant workflow. It eliminated a lot of the time consumed over admin and paper work while keeping patients well informed and feeling individually attended to. It has certainly created a seamless workflow, a smooth patient journey, enhanced clinical workflow, raised clinic profitability and eliminated several stages of treatment coordination. This program has provided the clinic with superior business systems. The ramifications of her implementation will last for the rest of my career. It helped me focus on what matters most… treating patients! ”

Dr Murshid Salman Implantologist

"I Would Recommend To Anyone"

“Emma’s workflow for implants provides a smooth clinical pathway for patients. It allows the clinicians to focus on providing the dentistry, while delegating to other members of the dental team. Helping to create an efficient practice and training staff members in important skills such as communication and consultations. I would recommend to anyone looking to create an effective and successful dental team, with systems in place that can run by themselves allowing dentists to have more time.”

Dr Nevethen Jeyakumar- Dental Surgeon – PgCert
Dental Implantology